Here Are The Need-To-Know Facts About Transmission Repair
When it comes to automobiles, many people do not have the specialized knowledge necessary to provide major repairs to their own vehicles. This means that they may not even realize when there’s a transmission problem or understand how to deal with it. Unfortunately, this is a dangerous problem that could cause harm to you and your vehicle if it’s not fixed soon. In order to educate the public, we’ve taken the time to put together a few questions and answers that should help shed some light on the topic of transmission repair!
Do I Have a Transmission Problem?
There are quite a few things that can be going wrong if you have a transmission problem, but they’re all quite noticeable. The most subtle is that you’re leaking transmission fluid – this indicates a problem, but you may not notice this for a few days. Another symptom is problems changing or shifting gears or problems staying in gear once the vehicle has shifted. You may also notice a lough hissing or whining noise as the vehicle accelerates – this is another tell-tale sign of a transmission problem.

How Often Should My Transmission Be Inspected?
It’s best to have your entire vehicle inspected, regularly, by a trained professional. This will include diagnostics, and lift tests to ensure your vehicle is running on all cylinders. However, it’s truly only necessary to have the transmission inspected if you leaking fluid, you’ve noticed problems or it’s part of your regular scheduled maintenance.
Should I Drive With a Bad Transmission?
No. While it’s entirely possible that your vehicle will still run with a bad transmission, it’s a dangerous move. This could cause your vehicle to break down in the middle of a busy road, causing harm to you and other drivers.
How Frequently Should Transmission Fluid Be Changed?
You should change your transmission fluid every 3 years or 36,000 miles. However, this is just a round number – it’s important to consult your vehicle’s owner’s manual for exact specifications when it comes to filling or flushing any fluids from your vehicle.

How Much Will Transmission Repair Cost?
There’s no telling how much it will cost to repair prior to the inspection. However, transmissions are not cheap, and transmission repair usually isn’t either.