If you are looking for transmission repair services in Washington Park, IL, or Fairmont City, IL, you should know that the price can vary on many factors. By far the most notable factor is the type of transmission that you are wanting to be fixed. You can be looking to spend thousands of dollars on the cost of labor alone. The severity of the problem can also affect the price and time to fix it. If your transmission has a simple cracked fluid line, it could be a simple fix.

The time it will take to get your transmission repaired can take a few days or even a month to complete. The time it takes for parts to arrive plays a huge factor in the time it takes. These are not the only things that can affect the pricing of getting your transmission fixed. Here we will be going into more detail about more factors in the pricing.
General Price Factors
As stated before, there are many different factors that can come into play if you are trying to have your transmission repaired. The cost of labor alone can cost up to half of the overall price that you pay. If you have a transmission leak, you are looking at a few hundred dollars to have it repaired, however, the pricing will vary depending on the cost of the leak itself. The most common types of leaks that can occur come from cracks in the fluid lines, a damaged drain plug, a faulty pan gasket, a malfunctioning transmission pan, or a broken torque converter pump. It is important to keep up with the factory-recommended maintenance to help prevent damage that could cause your transmission to leak in the first place.
If you are having an issue with transmission linkage, it can cost you a couple of hundred dollars for a mechanic to run diagnostics and tighten it up for you. Replacing the linkage can cost you a few hundred dollars for the parts and the labor required. If there is a problem with a transmission solenoid, it can cost you a few hundred dollars to replace it. It may cost more if the solenoid is within an imported vehicle.
Getting a Quote
The most important thing to remember when getting a quote for having your transmission repaired is to ask your mechanic for an estimate on the cost of labor and materials. This is often a mistake that people make, and those people will often be surprised when their bill for the repair jumps up more than they expect.
While it may be attractive to try to fix the transmission yourself to avoid paying the high labor and material cost, it is important to leave these repairs to the professionals, as the transmission is connected to many components of your vehicle and improper repairs, rebuilds, or replacements can lead your vehicle to have even more damage that will need to be repaired. This will end up costing you more than if you just got your vehicle repaired. If you are unsatisfied with the estimated cost of labor and material along with the quote you received on the pricing, you can always shop around for quotes from other auto body repair companies.
Transmission Repair, Rebuild, or Replacement
The cost of repairing, rebuilding, or replacing a bad transmission in Washington Park, IL, or Fairmont City, IL can easily cost you thousands of dollars. Overall, however, having your transmission replaced with a new one will typically cost you more due in part to the cost of installing it. If you bring your vehicle in and your mechanic tells you your vehicle will need an entirely new transmission installed, you should remember that you have a few different options with various price points. You could have the mechanic rebuild the existing machinery, repair your transmission with a pull from a junkyard with a good transmission, install a third-party rebuild, or install a brand-new transmission which will include a factory warranty.

Having an automatic transmission rebuilt can cost you a couple of thousands of dollars, while a manual transmission will cost you less to repair or replace. Rebuilding is a good option if your transmission still has enough good components within it. You might want to consider getting a used but acceptable transmission out of a junkyard. The salvaged transmission can be used to help with the rebuild.
Looking to have your transmission repaired in Washington Park, IL, or Fairmont City, IL? Give our team of expert mechanics over at Marshall’s Transmission Service a call today! We repair transmissions for a variety of different make both domestic and import. Our ASE-certified technicians can assure you a 12-month/12,000-mile guarantee on any kind of repair that we do to your transmission. We will provide you with the fairest price around.